Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:

civil timekeeping is equivalent (in the sense of a mathematical identity) to some stable approximation to mean solar time.

I don't think anybody disputes that.

Ok.  Glad to hear it.

"Stable approximation" implies that a proposal to change UTC includes a plan for maintaining stability. The ITU proposal does not (in addition to other shortcomings).

The current argument seems to consist of you claiming that the tolerance be on the order of one second, for reasons you have not provided any hint off, but want to start a red-tape commision on.

I've searched my email for messages to leapsecs that contain the word "tolerance". The most recent before your mentioning it now was on 11 November - when it was also one of your messages.

You also are the only one to use the phrase "red-tape commission". Proper system engineering is the quickest way to solve a problem. If anything describes "red-tape", it is the process being followed by the ITU.


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