Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:

Until now I have never seen any indication anywhere that longitude
or lattitude would be affected in any way.

Pray, show us the documentation for this hyperbole.

Ah! That explains it. You believe documentation is the master definition of a system.

Rather, requirements rooted in real world issues are the master. Whereas the requirements listed in the documentation are always incomplete and never completely self-consistent.

If this were a religious argument (which so many technology issues resemble), there would be a fundamentalist versus a liberal interpretation of every point.

Greenwich Mean Time has a clear definition that has nothing to do with technology. The prime meridian likely has an official definition distinct from GMT, but in origin and practice the two are inextricably linked.

It is through the actions of CCIR as inherited by the ITU that UTC was linked to GMT.

Presumably nobody disputes that the ITU seeks to sunder this connection.

The Earth has a large moon. As a result, the Earth's rotational angular momentum is being transferred to the Moon's orbit. The Earth slows down.

Civil time is related to diurnal rhythms. As a result, a timekeeper built on non-diurnal rhythms, like an ensemble of atomic clocks, will inevitably diverge from a timekeeper for civil time.

The ITU proposal is to flip the interpretation of the last paragraph. There are world's of possibilities in how this might be done. The ITU has only ever considered the most garish option.

So civil time is to tick, tick, tick at a steady rate and the Sun in the sky is to fend for itself. On some schedule (some of us prefer quick and some slow), intercalary adjustments will have to be made.

The implicit ITU position appears to be that these adjustments will be made through the system of timezones that were conveniently set up in the 19th century. Consider this a preadaptation in the evolutionary sense.

Well, it just so happens that one of the timezones, actually the keystone of the whole system, is tied to GMT. If the ITU's implicit assumption as to the future mechanism for intercalary adjustments is to work, then GMT must also be redefined to continue to serve as an approximation to the new UTC timescale.

So the ITU demands both that GMT != UTC and that GMT == UTC.

If the definition of GMT changes to be ITU-centric, rather than astronomical, the question of the definition and meaning of the prime meridian is left in limbo. I certainly don't think the nice folks at the ITU have missed this point, so I am requesting that they make it evident in their proposal. It would also help if the proposal were made publicly accessible.

So, I just typed that in without review. I'll read through it once to look for typos, bad phraseology and so forth. I had no problem navigating from top to bottom - and could continue to add levels of details - because the logic of the message is rooted in the logic of how the world works (and 9 years of practice :-)

The world, that is, is automatically self-consistent. Documentation can be assumed to be always inconsistent. Just because nobody has said anything about implications for latitude and longitude it doesn't mean that time and space aren't related in various ways, prosaic and sublime.

Ok - my read through is finished. The only change I made was to add the smiley and break the last paragraph at that point. By comparison, a message layered on an analysis of ITU standards would be very laborious to construct since one would have to keep referring back to other documents and glosses on those documents.

Nature rulez!


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