In the Manhattan project plutonium was copper, and copper was
honest-to-god copper.

In the Java JSR-310 "Date and Time API"
we see this:

        Time scales

        The Instant class operates on a time-line model that doesn't
        exist in reality.  Specifically it assumes that leap-seconds
        do not exist, and that there are always 60 seconds in a

        These simplifications are useful because most applications do
        not take into account the existence of leap seconds.  If your
        application needs to takeinto account leap seconds then an
        alternate class is needed.  The TimeScaleInstant class
        represents an instant in time measured againsta specific
        TimeScale.  The supplied scales include TAI and True-UTC.

"True-UTC", as opposed to just plain "UTC".  Just plain "UTC" is not
the entity defined by ITU-R TF.460, but a (dare I use the word)
proliferated time scale, something new created by them.

How long will it be before it is necessary to make the distinction
between "TAI" in JSR-310 and "True-TAI" as defined by BIPM?

I think I would call this not "proliferation" but "dilution of trademark".

Who is in charge of these time scales?
The defining agencies and their documents, or various different sets
of time scale users and their documents?

Steve Allen                 <>                WGS-84 (GPS)
UCO/Lick Observatory        Natural Sciences II, Room 165    Lat  +36.99855
University of California    Voice: +1 831 459 3046           Lng -122.06015
Santa Cruz, CA 95064     Hgt +250 m
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