Nero Imhard <> wrote:

> I had already mentioned the Bernhardt precision sundial on this list. Its
> precision is such that one or more adjustments would likely be necessary
> during the lifetime of the sundial. So, given the sword of Damocles
> hanging over UTC's head, I guess the smart thing to do now is to order
> them with a scale designated UT instead of UTC or local time. ;-)

Can we equip one of those precision sundials with some mechanism to read
it automatically and electronically, so that we can use it as a time
reference for an NTP server?

You have hit the nail precisely on the head with "the sword of Damocles
hanging over UTC's head".  That is precisely the problem with UTC!  It
is not a question of whether or not the insipid ITU proposal succeeds or
not this time around, the very fact that the Time Lords are even willing
to seriously entertain the idea of such a dastardly act of deceit and
dishonesty is what makes them totally untrustworthy in my eyes.  They
have already lost my trust, and that is why I want to switch to running
my life on GMT rather than UTC or anything else that comes out of those
bait-and-switch timekeepers.

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