On Oct 23, 2010, at 1:48 PM, Hal Murray wrote:

How many of these systems CURRENTLY properly handle leap seconds? How many of these cell phones and space systems and digital devices "buried
beneath Antarctic ice" CURRENTLY are built to a specification that a
minute can contain either 59, 60, or 61 seconds?  Or that when a leap
second occurs, it occurs at midnight only in the UTC+0 time zone? (4:00
PM in the afternoon in California)

Why is that such a big deal? At worst, they reboot the system and it gets
back in sync with the loss of some data.

Okay. At 4:00 PM PST on December 31 -- one hour before the close of business on the last business day of the year -- you would have folk on the West Coast reboot all of their financial systems, their communications systems, their "smart grid" electrical systems, and whatever else happens to sync to UTC.

Yeah, I know that we've had a lot of leap seconds over the years, and people have dealt with them one way or another -- mostly improvisationally, not following standards. But it's becoming tougher and tougher to deal with.

To reiterate, my point is that people who think leap seconds are a good idea (and that includes me, by the way), seem to be complaining at the wrong end of the value chain. Having leap seconds is counterproductive if they choke the infrastructure. Take a "time out," on declaring leap seconds, direct the frustration towards fixing the infrastructure, and then some years from now have the discussion again on whether leap seconds would be a good idea or not.

I think the more important issue would be calculating differences in times
that straddle a leap second.  (I'm not an astronomer.)

Here's the issue. There's a number called "DUT1," which is the difference (in seconds) between UTC, an atomic time scale, and UT1, a solar-based time scale. Right now, DUT1 is constrained by agreement to be 0.9 s, or less, in magnitude (+/-). The proposal is to allow DUT1 to grow larger than 0.9 s, and that would affect systems (the few that care about it, mostly astronomical) that cannot handle these larger numbers.

Once you get over the hurdle of allowing DUT1 to be larger than 0.9, many additional possibilities open up. You could concentrate the pain by having a "leap minute" once a century rather than a "leap second" every year or two. Alternatively, you could declare leap seconds 50 or 100 years in advance, which presumably would make their implementation easier and more straightforward. Or, society could decide that having a leap-anything isn't worth the bother.

    - Jonathan

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