On Dec 30, 2010, at 4:55 PM, Finkleman, Dave wrote:

[Bob Nelson] has communicated with OSD and my employer castigating my campaign for
consensus that considers the consequences.  His communication is all
emotion and no substance.  He conjectures great damage to national
security and inevitable disaster if the leap second is retained.   He
includes Wayne Hanson, Wayne White, and Ron Beard in his thrust to kill difference of opinion. He claims that only a "countable few" disagree
with the recommendation.  He cites Steve Allen, John Seago, and Ken
Seidelmann among the countable few.   I hesitate to accuse Bob of
slander, but draw your own conclusions.   What course of action would
the group recommend?   Abandon the crusade to save myself?

I am left to presume that the antecedent to this -- and I observe that all you have provided has been your interpretation of communications -- was the following boast:

On Dec 18, 2010, at 12:49 PM, Finkleman, Dave wrote:

... I have almost convinced the USAF to issue a position statement to OSD and the State Department pleading that UTC not change from the current paradigm.

In your "almost successful" effort to convince the USAF, were you writing as Dave Finkleman, concerned citizen, or as Dave Finkleman, Senior Scientist of the Center for Space Standards and Innovation? If the latter, it is you who are leveraging the weight of your employer (and as a result, some point-of-contact at the Air Force) for what I suspect is mostly a personal view. It would be perfectly reasonable for those who don't share your view to want the opportunity to brief your employer as to the bigger picture. Undoubtedly you understand that standards are a consensus process, and if the CSSI is going to weigh in on this, prior presentation of alternate points of view are appropriate.

In the large, it is amazing to me that the "countable few" on this mailing list still don't get it. One would think that at least you guys would acknowledge that when the many experts that have been involved with ITU-R Study Group 7 reached their conclusion it wasn't done hastily, foolishly, or in isolation.

To repeat myself, the punch line is this: NO ONE is advocating a perpetual drift apart between atomic time and "universal" time (sundial time). The holy war that I read about on this board is based on an imaginary premise. The only question is whether there is enough justification to keep DUT1 at 0.9 seconds or less to warrant an awkward and despised systems of leap seconds (that are erratic, unpredictable, non-uniformly spaced, and by-and-large unimplemented in the contemporary digital infrastructure). If, as many believe, 0.9 seconds is "over toleranced" (in this age of time zones, sundials lost out long ago as an engineering requirement), then we can safely stop declaring leap seconds for awhile. It would take hundreds of years for atomic time and sundial time to diverge by more than a few minutes -- and that's plenty of time to reengineer a more permanent and appropriate solution. LATER one can have ANOTHER discussion about perhaps adopting leap-second schemes with regular and predictable insertions (like we do with days in leap years), or "leap minutes," or ... whatever. There is much less urgency to reach consensus on the next phase before deciding -- simply -- whether the current system of leap seconds is doing more harm or good.

     - Jonathan

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