On 02/08/2011 07:55, Rob Seaman wrote:
Regarding your current question, I would personally assert:
        Coupling civil timekeeping to Earth rotation is a necessary feature.

I suspect some others here might not be willing (yet) to promote this to 
"consensus" :-)

Phrases like "tight coupling" are misleading.  The ITU position has only ever 
been to remove *all* coupling.  On this list we have often discussed various ways to 
relax the current constraints.  It is the ITU who have been inflexible.

The current ITU proposal would have the effect of moving the coupling of the Earth's rotation from the time that is broadcast (now called UTC) to the timezones that local governments promulgate. While not explicitly stated in the proposal something like this would naturally happen every few hundred years.

I'd be willing to agree that "Coupling of Civil time to the earth is required." Coupling of the successor to UTC isn't required, or at least there's not consensus that it is required.

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