On Jun 18, 2011, at 10:45 AM, Ian Batten wrote:

> On 17 Jun 2011, at 18:19, Steve Allen wrote:
>>      The CCTF realizes that some misunderstanding exists regarding
>>      the scope of application of the various time scales.  It
>>      stresses that TAI is the uniform time scale underlying UTC,
>>      and that it should not be considered as an alternative time
>>      reference.
> That paper claims that GPS time follows UTC (USNO) "modulo one second".  I'm 
> trying to think of any meaning of the word "modulo", be it from discrete 
> mathematics, HAKMEM or anywhere else, with which that makes sense.   Can 
> anyone hazard a guess at the meaning that is intended?

fabs(fmod(UTC,1.0) - fmod(GPS, 1.0)) < 1e-6


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