mike cook wrote:

> Le 05/01/2012 15:39, Zefram a écrit :
>> Markus Kuhn wrote:
>>> A positive leap second will be introduced at the end of June 2012.
>> Slight surprise there.  It's the obviously-correct scheduling to minimise
>> |UT1-UTC|, but IERS has been favouring December in recent years,
>> and there was plenty of slack to postpone this leap until December.
>> (Actually |UT1-UTC| could be kept smaller still by scheduling the leap
>> for March, but that would require a procedural change.)
>> -zefram
> Looking at the predicted values, 2012s are at the lower bounds for previous 
> leaps. Maybe they were making sure there was no chance of breaking -0,9s.

In previous decades they tended to schedule leap seconds early:


I had been expecting one this December just past, not next.  It's interesting 
that the previous period of accelerating LOD in the mid-1980's was also 
reflected in a shift to later scheduling.  Probably says more about people than 

Rob Seaman
National Optical Astronomy Observatory
Tucson, AZ
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