On 9 Jan 2012, at 2025, Rob Seaman wrote:

> Absence of handy examples has no implications for the preceding statement.

"Just because I can't find examples doesn't mean it isn't happening" is hardly 
persuasive.   Gathered on this list is a pretty solid cross-section of people 
who've worked in computing for A Long Time, and follow a variety of 
safety-critical, high-integrity and similar issues, and will have had all sorts 
of reasons (RFC822 Date: headers, for example) to worry about representation, 
meaning and normalisation of dates.  If none of us can point to ongoing Y2K 
issues, it's going to be hard to claim convincingly that they're happening, 
just none of us know about it.  Googling around for Y2K in the past few years 
returns lots of uses of it as a metaphor, particularly for IPv4 address 
exhaustion, but not a lot of evidence of Bad Stuff Happening.

>>> And since time-of-day will fundamentally remain mean solar time,
>> [Citation Needed]
> See 
> http://www.cacr.caltech.edu/futureofutc/preprints/02_AAS_11-661_Seaman.pdf, 
> pages 7 & 8.  Also various messages on this list.

Pages 7 and 8 appear to be assertions that it's true, rather than any solid 
reasons why it's true.

We can all accept that most developed countries, today, need 1200 local to be 
apparent noon +/- two hours.  Getting that value down substantially is going to 
be a hard row to hoe, given we can trivially point to successful industrial 
countries for which it's substantially greater than an hour.   So long as time 
is unidirectional, roughly uniform and doesn't give rise to absurdities, the 
benefits of large geographic areas sharing a common time far outweigh details 
like mean solar time.   It your problem is that you need |DUT1|<1s for your own 
applications, say so; attempting to claim that the rest of us will regret 
interfering with this sacred relationship in terms of our hunting licenses and 
our ability to get to work in the morning isn't a convincing bogie-man.

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