On Jan 19, 2012, at 10:57 AM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
> Consider it an opportunity to find consensus.

That is unlikely if people believe it is axiomatic that time is fundamentally 
"time of day" and not "elapsed time."  These are two fundamentally opposing 
views of time.  And sadly they both agree to about a minute over the next 100 
years, so the difference is small.  This difference will matter less and less 
if we become a space faring race, but the jury is still out on the viability of 

I also don't have much hope for things getting better unless people are willing 
to budge on other issues.  For example, we could not change a thing, but 
announce things 1 year in advance rather than 6 months in advance.  And if that 
goes well, we could push that to 2 or more years.

If we relax the DUT1 to 2s or 3s, then things could be announced even further 
in advance, which would ameliorate one of the operational difficulties of the 
current system.  History shows that DUT1 of 1s is an arbitrary limit.  Some 
folks wanted .1s, others .8s, some 2s.  There's nothing magical about DUT1 <= 
1s fundamentally, so that axis of the problem should be explored (yes, I know 
it is a change, but not one so fundamental that it couldn't be phased in with 
proper studies before).

So I'm not too optimistic since all the focus has been on 'let's just junk them 
entirely' with little middle ground explored.


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