I have changed the subject line since "battle" seems overly dramatic to me.  
The goal should simply be to clearly demarcate various concepts and standards.  
For my part I don't regard this as a political fight and if there is a turf war 
it is more likely between TAI and GPS, with UTC as collateral damage.

To answer the question, a new IAU UTC working group has been formed.  There was 
also controversy at the time.


On Mar 21, 2013, at 5:40 AM, Tony Finch <d...@dotat.at> wrote:

> Rob Seaman <sea...@noao.edu> wrote:
>>>>    10. the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service
>>>> (IERS) provides a means of accessing UT1 in real-time by means of
>>>> routinely available predictions of UT1-UTC with precision 100 000
>>>> times better that the coarse approximation UT1 = UTC currently
>>>> provided by means of coding UTC to match UT1 within 0.9 second;
>> This is irrelevant and is meant to imply that any issues with
>> implementing a redefined UTC will be minor.  They will not be minor for
>> my community.
> I gathered from the report of the meeting that the IAU is happy with the
> idea of abolishing leap seconds.
> Tony.
> -- 
> f.anthony.n.finch  <d...@dotat.at>  http://dotat.at/
> Forties, Cromarty: East, veering southeast, 4 or 5, occasionally 6 at first.
> Rough, becoming slight or moderate. Showers, rain at first. Moderate or good,
> occasionally poor at first.
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