I had discovered this event by accident while searching for refs on the WP7A 
progress. Unfortunately that is as opaque as this meeting appears to be, being 
restricted from what I can see to ITU or associate members . 

Le 27 août 2013 à 17:57, Richard Langley a écrit :

> Not sure if this has been mentioned on the list before or not:
> http://www.insidegnss.com/node/3561
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Richard B. Langley                            E-mail: l...@unb.ca         |
> | Geodetic Research Laboratory                  Web: http://www.unb.ca/GGE/ |
> | Dept. of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering    Phone:    +1 506 453-5142   |
> | University of New Brunswick                   Fax:      +1 506 453-4943   |
> | Fredericton, N.B., Canada  E3B 5A3                                        |
> |        Fredericton?  Where's that?  See: http://www.fredericton.ca/       |
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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