Ian Batten said:
> Certainly, if Scotland
> does opt for independence (on current polling and betting it seems unlikely, 
> but
> let's suppose) the pressure for England to move to CET will increase.   
> There's some confusion 
> as to whether the proposal would be moving the UK to UTC+1/UTC+2 as happened 
> during the last war,  or UTC+1 all year around, as happened in the experiment 
> between 1968 and 1971, but on the assumption that the latter would have too 
> many
> practical problems

Apart from anything else, it would violate EU law.

> I don't see why UTC/GMT would have any relation to the Scottish referendum 
> which, in
> any event, is only 9 months away and will be a dead issue (one way or the 
> other)
> thereafter.  Anyone so red-faced and UKIP-y that the designation of UK legal 
> time as GMT
> or UTC mattered to them would be a lost cause for any sane political party 
> anyway, so
> I don't see them mattering.    The set of people who would vote Tory but 
> would be
> tipped over into Farage-ism by the nomenclature for time is not a major 
> political force.

No, it's the political *impression* that it matters. Politics is mostly
about appearances.

Look at the unhappy history of the Coordinated Universal Time Bill.

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