On 2015-01-13 01:44 PM, Hal Murray wrote:
If I understand the provenance, BIPM is responsible for maintaining  atomic
time and TAI, IERS is responsible maintaining for UT1 and Leap  Seconds, and
ITU is responsible for "time dissemination". Whats not so  clear, and it
would be reassuring to know, is how the information is  officially shared
between these bodies and to what degree its automated.
I don't think the ITU does any actual dissemination.  They don't run any
servers or radio transmitters.

Right. They are a standards body -

ITU-R  Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R)

"Our mission is to ensure the rational, equitable, efficient and economical use of the radio-frequency spectrum by all radiocommunication services, including those using satellite orbits, and to carry out studies and approve Recommendations on radiocommunication matters."


I picture the ITU as a level higher than that.  They coordinate things like
"We all agree to use leap seconds

.. the way Rec 460 says

ITU-R Recommendation TF.460
Rec. ITU-R TF.460-6, Standard-frequency and time-signal emissions

and BIPM will figure out when they happen."

The IERS "will figure out when they happen".

IERS    International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service

The primary objectives of the IERS are to serve the astronomical, geodetic and geophysical communities by providing data and standards related to Earth rotation and reference frames.



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