> On Jan 23, 2015, at 2:43 PM, Steffen Nurpmeso <sdao...@yandex.com> wrote:
> Rob Seaman <sea...@noao.edu> wrote:
> |On Jan 23, 2015, at 5:33 AM, Steffen Nurpmeso <sdao...@yandex.com> wrote:
> |> This is logical.  I indeed have *no* idea on what can happen, \
> |> which is one of the reasons that i am on this list, because \
> |> so many specialists from many different specialist fields \
> |> can (or could) show up.  For example i didn't know that \
> |> even snow storms have a measurable effect on earth rotation.
> |
> |It's a question of scale.  A snow storm (even Snowpiercer) \
> |will not trigger a negative leap second.  Maybe if you ran \
> |the Snowpiercer train in reverse?
> I haven't seen that film.  (And i don't think i will.)
> In Thailand they have tried for many years to inject -- was it
> silver iodide -- to gain rain where they need it.
> |> Does anyone really know what this will mean on the long run.
> |
> |Morrison and Stephenson: http://ucolick.org/~sla/leapsecs/ancient.pdf
> I'll read what follows, but i referred to what'd happen if the
> slowdown / speedup what happen in the few decades that the RR can
> eventually live.
> --steffen
> From: Rob Seaman <sea...@noao.edu>
> Date: January 23, 2015 at 8:08:28 AM MST
> To: Leap Second Discussion List <leapsecs@leapsecond.com>
> Subject: [LEAPSECS] The man in the moon's too slow
> Reply-To: Leap Second Discussion List <leapsecs@leapsecond.com>
> On Jan 23, 2015, at 5:33 AM, Steffen Nurpmeso <sdao...@yandex.com> wrote:
>> Rob Seaman <sea...@noao.edu> wrote:
>>> It is much cleaner and more robust to support the entire history of leap 
>>> seconds.
>> Ok i'll bite: why this?  This service would only track future changes with 
>> the first adjustment happening at 2015-06-30.
> You are presuming a narrow (and so far unstated) concept of operations.  We 
> know there are retroactive use cases for UTC timekeeping and thus for leap 
> seconds.  Other methods and services may certainly be used to address those, 
> but there is no strong reason to limit the design of a new service to make 
> support impossible.  Also, by truncating support for a standard at an 
> arbitrary point sometime other than when the standard took effect confusion 
> becomes more likely among users or implementers.  Leap seconds began in 1972; 
> the encoding should start in 1972.
>>> The longer the string of positive leap seconds go on, the harder it will be 
>>> to force it negative in any physically realistic way.
>> This is logical.  I indeed have *no* idea on what can happen, which is one 
>> of the reasons that i am on this list, because so many specialists from many 
>> different specialist fields can (or could) show up.  For example i didn't 
>> know that even snow storms have a measurable effect on earth rotation.
> It's a question of scale.  A snow storm (even Snowpiercer) will not trigger a 
> negative leap second.  Maybe if you ran the Snowpiercer train in reverse?
>> Does anyone really know what this will mean on the long run.
> Morrison and Stephenson: http://ucolick.org/~sla/leapsecs/ancient.pdf
> Before a few hundred BCE, the divergence of LOD from 86400 SI-seconds was too 
> large to be accommodated by ITU-R TF.460, i.e., it would have required more 
> than one leap second per month.  For a thousand years from Aristarchus to 
> Brahmagupta, there would have been around one a month; by the time of Abū 
> Rayḥān al-Bīrūnī a comfortable oversampling was possible. As the Moon recedes 
> the Earth will continue to slow (http://www.xkcd.com/1441/); Nyquist and 
> Shannon will continue to hold sway until Jacob Buckman gets a peek around the 
> far side of the Coalsack.
> For a couple of centuries around the time of Hypatia the Earth's slowing 
> appears to have paused and LOD decreased by a couple of milliseconds.  If 
> this happened now it could cause a long series of negative leap seconds - or 
> not - depending on the precise details of integrating under the curve.  As of 
> July this year there will be an accumulation of +36s to overcome, which is 
> precisely 1/50 of the half-hour color swatches on Steve Allen's diagram.  
> Recent downward dips in the 17th and 19th centuries don't appear to reach 
> that level.  Undoubtedly the M&S data smooth over larger short term 
> excursions, but "short term" here implies many decades of notice.
>>> Bulletin C is issued whether or not a leap second occasion (currently June 
>>> and December, but could be any month) corresponds to an actual leap second. 
>>>  The encoding (as in PHK’s example) should be able to represent a positive, 
>>> negative or absent leap second.
>> That doesn't make sense to me.  An absent leap second doesn't change the 
>> TAI-UTC drift, so why would you update the record?
>       http://datacenter.iers.org/eop/-/somos/5Rgv/getTX/16/bulletinc-048.txt
>> So in order to calculate the actual date where the drift adjustment occurs 
>> you have to face
>> a very elaborate conversion.  With two more bits for the day the calculation 
>> could be performed when creating the record, permitting simplemost 
>> scripts/programs to display the correct date and time of the actual leap 
>> second by only decoding the DNS information.
> Even if provided an explicit ISO-8601 date/time stamp an application still 
> needs to know Gregory's rules to interpret it.  Display isn't the only use 
> case.  "End of the month" best corresponds to the letter and intent of TF.460.
> Rob
> --
> What's past is prologue, what to come
> In yours and my discharge.
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