OK, how about next.leapsec.com. is a CNAME record that points at
c49.leapsec.com. and c49.leapsec.com. has the encoded IP address as
you all have already defined to convey the content of Bulletin C
number 49.

Then when Bulletin C number 50 comes out in July we can leave
c49.leapsec.com as it is and create c50.leapsec.com. to convey the
contents of Bulletin C number 50 and then repoint the next.leapsec.com
CNAME record at c50.leapsec.com..

The users who just want to use next.leapsec.com to get the info
encoded as an IP address as you all have already cooked up don't need
to be changed, but those who want the record of historical leapseconds
(beyond the (now) static historical table of leap seconds prior to
2015) can fetch them from the DNS.

What should "next.leapsec.com" point at after July 1, 2015 in the few
weeks before Bulletin C number 50 is issued?   Probably not a big
deal, and just leave it pointed at c49.leapsec.com. until
c50.leapsec.com can be created.   Users just need to understand that
when fetching next.leapsec.com it may be pointing at a leap second (or
lack of leap second) that has already happened.

                        -Tim Shepard
LEAPSECS mailing list

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