-- Richard Langley

Sent from my iPod Touch

Begin forwarded message:

From: Richard Langley <<>>
Date: February 3, 2015 12:02:25 AM AST
To: <<>>
Subject: Leap Second Implementation Problems
Reply-To: Canadian Space Geodesy Forum 
<<>>, "Richard Langley" 

2015 GPS Future Leap Second Implementation

The GPS 50 bit-per-second navigation message transmitted by each GPS satellite 
(specifically Page 18, subframe 4) includes the parameters needed to relate GPS 
time to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).  That relationship is maintained 
through leap second implementation transitions by IS-GPS-200 compliant user 
equipment.  For leap second transition, user equipment must utilize the notice 
regarding a scheduled future delta time due to leap seconds (ΔtLSF), together 
with the week number (WNLSF) and the day number (DN) at the end of which the 
leap second becomes effective.

On or about 21 January, 2015 those GPS navigation messages began to include 
future leap second data which indicates an increase in the leap second to 
become effective at the end of June, 2015.  IS-GPS-200 revision H, dated 24 Sep 
2013  paragraph Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), documents the 
appropriate algorithm details to ensure correct utilization of the parameters 
above (including all potential truncated week number transitions and variations 
in time of processing relative to satellite upload timing near the future leap 
second effectivity).

The data upload for the June 30th leap second, initiated with SVN48/PRN07 at 
18:33:56z on January 21st, was correctly executed.  However, there are several 
receivers brands/models that seem to be mishandling this information and 
applying the leap second now.  This is creating a negative one-second offset in 
faulty receivers.  The U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center has reports of these 
receivers causing synchronization issues with radios, computer systems, and 
data logging equipment.  Users experiencing issues with GPS receivers that 
began on January 21st, 2015 should contact the receiver manufacturer to 
determine if the latest firmware or software patch can correct the issue.

Rick Hamilton
CGSIC Executive Secretariat
GPS Information Analysis Team Lead
USCG Navigation Center

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