> On Mar 5, 2015, at 6:30 PM, Joseph Gwinn <joegw...@comcast.net> wrote:
> On Thu, 05 Mar 2015 14:55:58 +0100, Martin Burnicki wrote:
>> And we might already start to think about how to get this right in
>> mixed environments, e.g. using the NTF's General timestamp API, or
>> find a way to determine if the kernel time is UTC, or TAI.
> Yes.  My experience is that it can be hard to get the time community to
> agree on an approach, especially if the community must convince
> non-time communities (like POSIX) to implement something perfect but
> very complex, especially if it doesn't solve a problem important to
> non-time folk.

The big problem with leap seconds are they are just a second. Nobody cares
enough about a second to give it more than a passing thought. This is why
so many things implement / spec leap seconds so poorly that bugs abound.


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