Tom Van Baak said:
> Oh, I wasn't thinking of cheating and adjusting timezones with a mouse click. 
> For maximum photo effect, I was planning to drive my mobile (car) time lab 
> across two time zones the night of June 30 and catch two Azure leap seconds. 
> Timezones are too wide to hit three in under 2 hours.

I'm sure there must be places where 3 or more zones meet. Let's see:
* Russia/Finland/Norway triple point.
* 6 places in Russia and 3 on the border where 3 zones meet.
* Turkey/Iraq/Armenia triple point.
* Lots of other places where three countries meet.

And in the summer Arizona is UTC-7, New Mexico is UTC-6, and the part of
Mexico immediately south of NM is UTC-5. That ought to be doable in an hour.

Ah, there's almost a four-way meet. Afghanistan (UTC+4.5), Tajikistan
(UTC+6), and China (UTC+8) meet at a point and, less than 20 kilometres
south of there, is the China/Pakistan (UTC+5) border. There don't seem to
be roads, but an off-road vehicle ought to be able to do it in an hour.

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