Thanks Steve, I was wondering what was going on (but lazily didn't go hunting).

Did the question change? It seems like the current statement is more elaborate, if seemingly somewhat tangled, from earlier versions?


WRC-15 agenda item 1.14

Method A − Remove the leap second insertion or
deletion from the definition of UTC in order to
make it become a continuous time-scale and
either (A1) retain the name UTC or (A2) adopt a
new name.

Method B − Keep the current definition of UTC,
disseminate the UTC time-scale and also
disseminate a continuous time-scale (TAI) on an
equal basis.

Method C − Keep the current definition of UTC
and enable the recovery of the International
Atomic Time (TAI) (C1) or disseminate another
continuous system timescale (C2).

Method D − No change

Method (C1) seems like the choice to me, if by this they mean electronic dissemination of the Leap Seconds table in some useable form(s), the obvious missing link since 1972.


On 2015-08-29 02:32 PM, Steve Allen wrote:
Regional meetings continue about the fate of the leap second as
various bodies consider their position on WRC-15 Agenda Item 1.14.
shows that the Arab group just finished, and the European and Russian
meetings are still pending.

Next week is one more meeting of all the regional groups in Geneva
where item 1.14 will be covered on Thursday.

There are 6 presentations of the preparations in powerpoint documents
which are currently available there.  In particular the one on
has a chart on page 13 which shows the currently known positions of
the regional groups.  There is no consensus.

Steve Allen                 <>               WGS-84 (GPS)
UCO/Lick Observatory--ISB   Natural Sciences II, Room 165   Lat  +36.99855
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