Slightly off-topic, but this may be of interest to some of you who aren't also 
on the time-nuts list.

Tonight, Wednesday evening (May 18) look for a TV show on National Geographic 
or PBS called "Genius by Stephen Hawking". Episode 1: Can We Time Travel?

I mention this because I may be in this episode, or at least my atomic clocks 
and car are in it. Last year a UK-based production company contacted me and I 
offered to help them by repeating the relativity experiment I did years ago on 
Mt Rainier.

This time we chose the summit of 9100 foot Mt Lemmon (near Tucson, AZ) and in 
January I drove down with all the clocks and equipment. The six-part Hawking 
series covers a wide variety of science topics and this atomic clock bit is 
just one small part, of one episode, of one series. Still, it was quite 

PBS info here:

Some background on the experiment:

And more photos and technical information:


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