On 2017-01-02 03:07 PM, Michael.Deckers. via LEAPSECS wrote:
  On 2017-01-02 18:55, Brooks Harris wrote about the correspondence

| Date | MJD | NTP | NTP Timestamp | Epoch | | 4 Oct 1582 | -100,851 | -3 | 2,873,647,488 | Last day Julian |

Ah, I think the table is correct - that's the infamous reset made by the Gregorian calendar to correct accumulated inaccuracies in the Julian and also, I believe, counted days at midnight, not noon, as Julian did (does).

Sure, the Julian date of the day before the day with Gregorian date 1582-10-25 is 1582 Oct 04 -- but the epoch given in the table with the MJD value and the NTP timestamp values is obviously 10 days earlier: they all indicate Julian date
   1582 Sep 24 and Gregorian date 1582-10-04, as I have noted earlier.
I'm not understanding where you think there is an error. I think all the "Dates" are intended to be Gregorian and proleptic Gregorian, that the NTP timestamp example values are on 86400-second-day midnights, and that MJD and "proleptic MJD" are treated as 86400-second-days. The values seem correct to me by that reckoning.

It is in contrast to the example in
Julian Date Converter

But there, the YMDhms representations are specifically stated to be (Julian) and (Gregorian), so its not the same as the NTP table treatment.

The table indicates the (not usual) confusion about "omitted days" where
   it is unclear which numbers should be decreased (or increased) by ten.
I do not want to be sarcastic but my managers would refuse to buy software
   when the spec (already) contains such blunders.
I'm not seeing there is a blunder. However I think it would have been more clear if the "Date" column were titled "Gregorian Date".

Note too that the (Last day 20th Century) entry is also on 86400-second-day boundaries, that there is no Leap Second value applied. This is consistent with NTP's behavior, that the "seconds-since-NTP-epoch" has been "pulled up" with repsect to 1972-01-01T00:00:00 (UTC) by the absence of the 23:59:60 count, and so, as David Wells has said "In effect, a new timescale is reestablished after each new leap second. Thus, all previous leap seconds, not to mention the apparent origin of the timescale itself, lurch backward one second as each new timescale is established. "

The NTP Timescale and Leap Seconds

And dates in the Julian calendar are taken to begin at midnight, as in the Gregorian calendar. It is the Julian day numbers used in astronomy that take integral values at noon epochs -- but they have nothing to do with
   the Julian calendar, except perhaps for the origin of the name.

As far as the "Julian" name and the midnight v.s. noon topics, like everything in timekeeping there is long history of terms and intersection of disciplines. I learn something new with every investigation. (thanks, Stephen Scott, for the reference)

Julian Day Numbers by Peter Meyer

Note that ITU Rec ITU-R TF.457-2 and most other explanations of MJD have apparently adopted Herschel's astronomical treatment of Julian Days (noon-to-noon), but don't explicitly say so.


Now, one could ask, what is the MJD length-of-day after 1972-01-01T00:00:00 (UTC)? Rec 457-2, nor any other explanations of MJD I've seen, says anything about that. I have to take it to mean MJD days are always 86400 seconds.

How should the MJD values in IERS Leap_Second_History.dat file be treated?


It turns out to be convenient and consistent to treat the MJD values as 86400-second-days. Thus, to use the (Last day 20th Century) example from RFC 5905 Figure 4: Interesting Historic NTP Dates:

   | 31 Dec 1999 | 51,543     | 0   | 3,155,587,200 | Last day 20th    |
   |             |            |     |               | Century          |

MJD 51543 - 41317 = 10226 MJD days-since-UTC1972 * 86400 = 883526400 seconds + (32 TAI-UTC - 10) = 883526422 seconds-since-UTC1972.

883526422 seconds-since-UTC1972 + 2272060800 seconds-NTPEra0-to-UTC1972-offset - 22 Leap Seconds = 3155587200 (NTP timestamp)


   Michael Deckers.

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