On Sun, 2017-10-22 at 17:53 -0700, Steve Allen wrote:
> The BIPM has contributed
> CGPM draft Resolution "On the definition of Time-Scales"
> For two years various meetings have indicated that a document like
> this was under construction, so this is probably that result.
> A draft of the document seems to be at
> http://www.iaufs.org/CCTF%20Recommendation-DRAFT.pdf
> It largely seems to be a formal way for the CGPM to update the
> definition of TAI and UTC to match what the IAU did over a decade
> ago.
> Unsurprisingly it makes no mention of the connection between the
> calendar day and UT1.

The next-to-last bullet point under "clarifies that" states that "UTC
is also a means of dissemination of the standard of frequency; however
this function is limited to intervals that do not contain leap
seconds;".  Why the concern about leap seconds?  As long as you know
the name of each second, why should it matter that there is a leap
second in the interval?
    John Sauter (john_sau...@systemeyescomputerstore.com)
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