Ken Pizzini scripsit:

> Okay, I'll bite.

What Ken says, except that:

> Yes, civil time, an important consumer of any time standard, would
> much prefer approximation-of-earth-rotation-relative-to-the-sun
> than random-arbitrary-interval (e.g., 100,000 SI-second "days")
> or approximation-of-earth-rotation-relative-to-"fixed"-stars as its
> time standard.

I don't think this case has been made yet, other than by handwaving and
postulating.  Specifically, that the current regime is better than a fixed
scheme of 1 day = 86400 SI seconds.

John Cowan                              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
                .e'osai ko sarji la lojban.
                Please support Lojban!

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