On Tue 2003-07-01T21:51:09 +0100, Markus Kuhn hath writ:
> http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=1994A%26A...282..663S&db_key=AST

It is extremely important to note which reference frame is being used.

> Thanks. If I understood it correctly, section 5.8.3 gives me with
>   L = 100°.46645683 + 1295977422".83429*t - 2".04411*t^2 + 0".00523*t^3

All of the expressions 5.8 are with respect to the mean dynamical
ecliptic and equinox J2000.  That is a reference frame which is very
nearly, but not quite, inertial.  As such it does not give the
longitude of the sun with respect to the seasons that the Gregorian
calendar attempts to mark.

The expressions 5.9 are referred to the mean dynamical ecliptic and
equinox of date.  Those relate more closely to the calendar, and as
such they are a much better match to Newcomb's values.

> The large number of decimal digits provided for the Newcomb formula in
> the Metrologia leapsecond paper had suggested to me that all this is
> rather exact science and that these digit are actually significant ... :-(

precision vs.  accuracy.  The precision is necessary in the sense that
UT1 is still determined in a fashion which refers to the fictitious
mean sun of Newcomb's tables, such as they were.  Whenever a new and
better model is applied, the boundary conditions are set such that
there is no measurable discontinuity in UT1 during the changeover.

This practice has been followed for the past century, and was an issue
of concern just this last year when the new IAU system (which
abolished the ecliptic and equinox) was instituted on Jan 1.  This
means that whatever errors are present in the previous set of
expressions are carried into the initial conditions of the new
expressions.  As such, the longitude the fictitious mean sun
accumulates small errors based on the current amount of imprecision,
and the mean time at which the sun actually crosses the Greenwich
meridian does slightly deviate from 12:00 UT.

This small drift is part of the motivation being used by the leap
second haters to justify completely disconnecting civil time from the
sun.  But it should be pointed out that the calculation of TAI suffers
from an analogous drift.  The rules for calculating TAI have changed
several times, which means that a best extrapolation of a completely
uniform timescale back through the history of atomic time would
deviate from the published values of TAI.

> Is the Simon et al. formula considered good enough to predict the mean
> longitude of the sun within half a day for the next few tenthousand
> years? The authors make only a statement on the quality of ephimerides
> derived for the years 1000-3000.

The accuracies are given in table 7 as 6 arcsec for the earth/moon.
For ranges outside the years 1000-3000 it would be better to see the
referenced works of Bretagnon and Laskar.

Steve Allen          UCO/Lick Observatory       Santa Cruz, CA 95064
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      Voice: +1 831 459 3046     http://www.ucolick.org/~sla
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