On 2006-12-09, Clive D.W. Feather challenged, and I couldn't resist:

>  For something more challenging, try the 8 Bank Holidays in England:
>  ...
>  (8) Second weekday after 24th December.

   second weekday after 24th December in Gregorian year( Y )
      =  Gregorian calendar( Y, December, 26 )
         + 2·(floor( D / 5 )) d - (floor( D / 7 )) d
      D = day of the week number of Gregorian calendar( Y, December, 25 )
          (as in ISO 8601 with values in {1..7} and 1 for Monday)
        = 1 + ((floor(Y/100) mod 4)·5 + (Y mod 100)·3 - (Y mod 4)·2) mod 7

   Sorry for being off-topic.

   Michael Deckers

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