Bill Moffitt <> wrote:
    > I love the idea of meshing WiFi systems adapting their channel settings
    > around local interference... so the Plume in my house detects that my
    > next door neighbor's Portal is interfering, so it changes its
    > channel. However, the Plume in my garage is much closer to the neighbor
    > behind me than the Plume in my house, and changes the channel to avoid
    > them. This then interferes with the neighbor's Portal, which changes
    > its channel to avoid my interference, which then interferes with the
    > neighbor behind me, who changes channel to avoid that interference...

This is the map colouring problem as you point out:

    > P.S. for the mathematically inclined, note the discrepancy between the
    > 3 distinct channels in the 2.4 GHz. band and the application of the
    > 4-color theorem to channel selection. Sucks...

Am I wrong in thinking that if you can lower your Tx power that you can bleed
less into adjacent channels?

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works        | network architect  [
]        |   ruby on rails    [

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