Hi Philipp,

> Yes, good point. But then we should rewrite/redesign the whole update
> process
> including the sysupgrade binary in my opinion. For example writing a
> small library and a daemon
> which does the updates for us. A daemon which executes a sysupgrade tool
> doesn't
> make more sense for me as the mountd solution.

I'm not sure why a complete re-design of the sysupgrade would be
needed in this particular case.
At the end you only want to trigger the upgrade when a stick is
inserted, and hotplug can do that.
If the following (untested and unfinished) script is stored in
/etc/hotplug.d/mount/99-autoupgrade, it would perform the upgrade.
if [ "${ACTION}" == "add" ]; then
        if [[ "$(uci get -q autoupgrade.usbdisk.enabled)" == "1" ]]; then
                filename="$(uci get -q
mountd.mountd.path)${NAME}/$(uci get -q autoupgrade.usbdisk.filename)"
                [[ ! -f "$filename" ]] && exit
                uci get -q autoupgrade.usbdisk.delay >/dev/null &&
delay="-d $(uci get -q autoupgrade.usbdisk.delay)"
                [[ "$(uci get -q autoupgrade.usbdisk.save_config)" ==
"1" ]] && backup="-c" || backup="-n"
                [[ "$(uci get -q autoupgrade.usbdisk.preserve_part)" =
"1" ]] && preserve_partition="-p"
                logger -t hotplug " Starting upgrade with
/sbin/sysupgrade $delay $backup $preserve_partition $filename"
                /sbin/sysupgrade $delay $backup $preserve_partition $filename
                # TODO find a good way to not execute this at every boot ...
The uci config is the same as what you described in your patch (just
replace mountd by autoupgrade).
This is a proof of concept. You may argue about doing the upgrade from
within a hotplug script. I indeed would be cleaner to have a separate
daemon, especially if they are several sources for the upgrade (and
not only the usb).


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