A bit more setup, but fudforum (Fast Uncompromising Discussion Forum, fudforum.org) can integrate with nttp, which mailman can then integrate with mailing lists, allowing for full interaction between people accessing the forum through all three methods.

David Lang

On Mon, 25 Jul 2016, A. Benz wrote:

Hi Ted and all,

PhpBB or SMF (Simple Machines Forum) are popular free choices and take a minute or so to setup.

The other day on IRC I had a few people telling me how bad of an idea a forum is, and now it seems to be on the agenda ;)

I'd say set up the forum, content and mods will be done and get polished by community. I see many people on OWRT forum that work on community builds and dedicate a lot of time helping others, this type of people would make ideal mods. A few names come to mind already as I type this.

Does anyone know what kind of traffic the OWRT forum gets? If its not very demanding I could assist in providing hosting.

A. Benz

On 07/25/16 07:03, Ted Hess wrote:
On Sun, 2016-07-24 at 16:37 +0200, moeller0 wrote:

On Jul 24, 2016, at 15:41 , tapper <j.lanc...@ntlworld.com> wrote:

Hi with the ssl sert being messed up on the openwrt forum we really need
forum for lede. I don't know how to set one up but wen one is put up i
like to be a admin to help with noobs and getting rid of spam. I have bin
admin on the Gargoyle forum now for a long time and like helping people
thanks  Tapper..
Oh, speaking of a forum, I believe, if LEDE wants to get its own
(which) I would support it should come with more administration than the
openwrt forums that, at times, are pretty far away from lede’s “be nice to
each other” guidelines. I am not advocating to keep the ban-hammer
all times, but there should be some feed-back and potential consequences
prolonged and repeated lack of nice-ness…
        I believe that tapper has shown exactly the kind of moderation a
potential lede forum should have, so I support his “election” to forum
administrator/moderator (for what it is worth)…

@tapper, @moeller0, & others

We had a brief discussion at our last mtg about what to do about a Wiki and
forum. One suggestion was to become a sub-forum in the OpenWrt forum if
have us as a 'community build' - aka "The Dark Side" ;) That's sort of moot
the moment since openwrt.org is in a certificate service valley.

We don't think we can handle our own wiki & forum without a whole lot of
with content, moderation & management. We also have to find resources to
the sites.

And... do you guys have any suggestions/recommendations for software
free) to deploy.

I'm here to help with the staging and systems work (installing and
deploying the
base software) - I would like to see other volunteers to take on forum
wiki admin, etc.


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