On Thu, 8 Sep 2016, Rich Brown wrote:

What a great discussion! I am delighted to see so much interest in the LEDE 
project, and concern for its success.

But I want to pick up on something that Thomas said...

On Sep 8, 2016, at 1:38 PM, Thomas Endt <tm...@gmx.de> wrote:

... However, I'm
hesitating to invest as much time as I used to some months ago, since I
don't want to see my efforts wasted in a project that's somehow stalled due
to the split in LEDE and OpenWrt. I can only invest time in _one_ project,
and preferrably that would be a project that is live and vital.

The way to ensure that LEDE thrives is to cause more people to come to it. That 
means, making it inviting. Right now, a new visitor to lede-project.org will 
see a few nicely formatted welcome pages, downloadable firmware images, but no 
documentation to speak of, and no (obvious) community.

Yet the mailing list that shows an incredibly high level of activity from the 
core developers (dozens of patches a day), and this discussion shows there that 
LEDE involves a lively and interested group of people.

To indicate this vibrancy to the world, we need to be more proactive in telling 
the world about ourselves. I advocate that we set up:

1) A Wiki that serves as documentation for LEDE
2) A Forum that lets the community talk to each other

I'll talk about each in their own threads, so each conversation can continue on 
its own. Thanks.

I'm cosely following work on the wrt1900/1200 routers right now and what I'm seeing is that the openwrt forums are mostly treating lede as just another community build, no better and no worse than what others build with closer forks of the openwrt tree.

I think this is a healthy thing to do for the moment while we see what can happen from the merger discussions and the openwrt development.

I've said before that if lede starts it's own forums, I'd like it to be something that can integrate mailing lists with web interaction (and mentioned how Baen books uses FUDForum and mailman to offer e-mail, web, and nntp access to the same messages)

David Lang

Lede-dev mailing list

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