On 25 November 2016 at 08:14, Rafał Miłecki <zaj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think a perfect model for organization/company that wants to be LEDE
> friendly would be to:
> 1) Ask them for complete LEDE-upstream support for their device
> 2) Handle all modifications using an own feed with their packages
> This is a pretty clean situation when we know no extra
> kernel/main-packages modifications are needed to get device working.
> I'd expect overwriting e.g. banner to happen withing sth like
> my-example-organization-base-files package.

I'm wondering: could we extend one package (e.g. base-files) with
another (e.g. my-example-organization-base-files)? The problem I don't
know how to solve is directory change as all /install rules use
relative paths.

So assuming there is:
define Package/base-files/install
        $(CP) ./files/* $(1)/

I'd like something like:
define Package/my-example-organization/base-files/install
        cd $(TOPDIR)/package/base-files
        $(call Package/base-files/install,$(1))
        cd $(THIS_PACKAGE_DIR)

        @echo "Installing cutomized base files"
        $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/banner $(1)/etc/banner
(of course I don't expect my "cd" commands to work)

Is this possible to achieve?

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