On Fri, 6 Jan 2017, Daniel (bovi) Bovensiepen wrote:

As part of this those I'm thinking that having a more
'commercial-quality' flavour and a more 'community' flavour branches
would be useful.

Could I make one remark concerning this: I fully understand from a review and quality point of view the current way of providing patches to LEDE or OpenWRT via E-Mail. In case that there would be ever a split between "commercial-grade" and "community-grade" version, is it possible to consider a contribution way via GitLab or Github for the community grade one? From experience in the Ruby community I can guarantee that the contribution level will increase dramatically. At the same time the quality of individual contributions will slightly go down but this is compensated by the quantity of new minds joining the contributor club.

LEDE is already accepting pull requests via github

But I think everyone is saying there won't be a 'commercial' vs 'community' split. There will be 'stable' vs tip-of-development, but that's it.

David Lang

Lede-dev mailing list

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