On Fri, 3 Feb 2017, Alberto Bursi wrote:

On 02/03/2017 07:35 AM, Stanislav V. Korsakov wrote:
Hi Daniel,

We provide our GPLed and dual licensed source codes to our customer only.
Not our source code is available at http://gw.stasoft.net/dl/

What you wrote here sounds like a license violation.
Source code of GPLed software you use *must* be provided to everyone
that asks it, not just to customers.
That's what the GPL license requires.

If it's shipped with the binary (as opposed to a separte download), they don't have to offer it to anyone else. But any of the customers are free to pass the source along, as it is GPL.

But if it's a separate download, it does have to be made available to anyone.

David Lang

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