
On this router, that has already a WAN xDSL port, another WAN port is not a priority. If one wants to use the Red Ethernet as you intend to, one would use a different router that does not have an xDSL WAN.

I do not want to test your staging tree because your analysis is flawed, you refuse to listen to input and feedback and therefore it would be a waste of my time. You should make an effort to be less hostile in your comments.

I am very satisfied with the change I posted on lede-dev because it is simple, backward compatible and it does exactly what is required. And yes it removes port 5 definition which is also in your patch. Thank you.

You may close the request.


On 11/02/17 20:32, Mathias Kresin wrote:
11.02.2017 18:55, Mauro M.:
This proposed patch applies to BT Home Hub 5 Type A and:

1) it includes configuration for the Red Ethernet port as an additional
"dmz" interface (feature request FS#490)


It's a WAN port and not a DMZ port. It should be used by default as WAN port. If you need it as DMZ port, feel free to add your own _local_ configuration.

2) it fixes FS#390 providing the ability to associate port 5 to the main
switch VLAN.

Looks exactly like one part of the changes I've in my staging tree to which I pointed you to. Or to be more clear, thanks for copying my code without mention the author.

Consider your patch as rejected. I pointed you to the commits in my staging tree which are properly fixing the issues you are seeing and some others you are not aware of.

I can only please you once more (the third time?) to test my staging tree as it is and report if there are still issues left or new issues introduced.


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