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--- Begin Message ---
Hi Mauro,

On Tue, 7 Mar 2017, Mauro Mozzarelli wrote:

> I did, but it isn't there, so something has not worked.
> I have now created a pull request.
> It isn't perfect in its form as I meant originally to create one request each
> for the kernel and for the tool, but I couldn't tame git to do what I wanted.
> I hope this one finally goes through:

pull request are *not* used for beginners here and pull request on github 
are *horrible* because no one get a notice unless you login via webpage. I 
know this from my projects on github.

Please use 'git send-mail'.
First check if you can send 'localy' through your email account. If you 
receive your own patches good. Don't pollute this list here for testing 
your setup.

Now you are ready to submit. Be aware most people here doing this in 
their spare time. One week is the normal rule to wait.


Hans Ulli Kroll

--- End Message ---
Lede-dev mailing list

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