I am motivated to rant again on this topic.  Repeating what I said last
November, before the new release process was finalized, in response to
David Lang:


>> There is an interesting question of how to refer to what state of each feed
>> you use for a release. Currently OpenWRT doesn't even try to do this. The
>> feed version you get is the feed version that exists at the time you last
>> pulled from the feeds.

> Uhm - I'm a bit taken aback by that.

>> This hasn't been a big problem in practice, but it does mean that you don't
>> really have a repeatable build.

> I would have thought that that was a "show stopper".  It certainly does not
> inspire confidence.

> I say this is a "problem" and should be a high priority issue.

>> See my other e-mail about [git] submodules for a
>> discussion on this.

> Yes, I looked at that.  It would seem to address and solve a number of issues.
> There would be no need for a separate "manifest", and, most importantly, there
> would be a git "snapshot" of the *entire* project state.  If I understand,
> that also means there would be a unique git tag that would label that state,
> and could be associated with any kind of specific nickname, version, and build
> number.  It would mean that every build was repeatable.

>>> It would be possible, I suppose, that each of these linked repositories
>>> could be *required* to use the *same* versioned naming scheme.
>> can't be done, these other repositories are not under our control. The most
>> we can do is reference exactly which release we use..


So then, nothing was done to address this issue, when developing the new release
process, where, instead, at worst, LEDE could simply "snapshot" a "feed", and
keep that copy on github, and then *under LEDE's control*.  And git submodules
are still an available solution.

I don't know that there is any polite way to express how ridiculous I find this
situation, of non-repeatable builds, let alone the failure to bump the version
number of the release.  I might call it "unprofessional", though I'm tempted to
be otherwise demeaning.

Let me say again, I think that this is an important issue that the LEDE project
needs to address and remedy.  I believe that the ultimate credibility and
reputation of the LEDE project is at stake.


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