On 11/07/2017 03:25 PM, James Feeney wrote:
> On 11/06/2017 11:44 PM, Matthias Schiffer wrote:
>> r# is the number of commits since the "reboot" tag. If your local branch
>> (e.g. "master") has a upstream branch (e.g. "origin/master"), it will use
>> number and commit ID of the last common commit of both branches, and add
>> the number of local commits with a + (e.g. "r4601+95-1ab227d688" - the last
>> common commit is 1ab227d688, 4601 after "reboot", and there are 95 local
>> commits that aren't upstream).
> Thanks Matthias, that helps a lot.  I also found some help with making sense 
> of the git lingo, for anyone that has not already played with this:
> Visualizing Git Concepts with D3
> https://onlywei.github.io/explain-git-with-d3/
> It's an interactive visual learning aid.
>> Basically, we tried to mimic the "revision
>> ID" SVN provided for the old OpenWrt trunk, adding some extra information
>> provided by git.
> Ha!  So there *was* an element of the OpenWrt revision numbering!
> I'm tempted to ask if there is not some value, then, in a LEDE revision 
> numbering that would look like "lede-17.01.r4601"?  Would that not be a 
> precise, and monotonic, version declaration, no matter whether it was an 
> "official" release, or a nightly, or even some random snapshot?
> Hmm - and then, isn't a designation of the form "lede r5217" completely 
> unambiguous, other than not providing a branch name, to say, for instance, 
> that it is, or is not, an "official release"?
> So then, LEDE does not run parallel development branches in the main git 
> repository, and simply designates certain development snapshots as "official 
> releases"?

No, we have two official branches: master (active development for the next
major release), and lede-17.01 (forked from master shortly before the 17.01
release; only bugfixes and other "small" changes are backported from
master; base for 17.01.x maintenance releases).

Fixing our revision numbering to include the branch name to make this more
or less unambiguous is the intent of the two patches I linked. The commit
ID should still be included in this revision number (e.g.
lede-17.01-r9000-abcdef), as developers could still set the "upstream
branch" to an inofficial branch without changing the branch name, thus
making the number ambiguous again.


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