On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 9:50 AM Fergus Cameron <tofer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I ran a consultancy business using PTA for many years and suggest your
> strategy is the wisest.  Do not think to eliminate your book-keeping;
> you MUST be engaged with it day-to-day.  But certainly take the
> monotony out of it with the types of automation you mention.  Add the
> the outstanding reporting that ledger-likes afford and you will be
> have off to a good start, I believe.

I would disagree - - - - if you do your recordkeeping ever day and are checking
your emails every hour (or when you get your beep on that stupid phone) and
when you get a text you are reading it pdq - - - - well your business
is running YOU.
You need to run your business!
To me - - - - once a week for as long as it takes - - - - I want to
get that record-
keeping done.
Trying to discipline myself to emails 2x per day.
Texts - - - I live where reception is like finding honest politicians so that's
really not an issue.
> One item of context.  DO NOT pick a business tool because it is free.
> Ever.  This will not be a win unless the cost is so exorbitant that it
> gives you enormous competitive advantage ON TOP of your "real"
> business (i.e. without impinging on it).
Ditto that - - - but - - - - I would always look for value - - - -
long term value
in fact. Its something that doesn't seem on the radar for many individuals
and far fewer commercial entities - - - - at least here in north america.


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