On Thu, 15 Apr 2021 at 20:26, Oliver Hardy <ohardy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My ~/ledger.dat file so far:
> Assets:Checking: $1,669.73
> Liabilities:Credit_Card: $1,929.46
> Equity:Opening Balance
> 2021/01/01 (#1004)
>     Expenses:Rent                          $1,000.00
>     Assets:Checking
> 2021/01/04 IRS
>     Assets:Checking                          $600.00 ; stimulus check
>     Income:Misc
> ~
> Running ledger bal:
> ~$ledger bal
>             $-400.00  Assets:Checking
>            $1,000.00  Expenses:Rent
>             $-600.00  Income:Misc
> --------------------
> If I have $1,669.73 in Checking, pay out $1,000.00 in rent and receive a 
> $600.00 stimulus check which goes into Checking, shouldn't my checking 
> balance be $1,629.73 and not $400.00? I understand ledger is ignoring the 
> Opening Balance but I don't know why.

You don’t have an opening balance. You have three unintelligible lines
at the top, and then two valid transactions.

Format your opening balance as a transaction:

2020-12-31 Opening Balance
    Assets:Checking           $1,669.73
    Liabilities:Credit_Card   $1,929.46
    Equity:Opening Balance


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