* psionl0 <gsch...@iinet.net.au> [2021-12-07 19:18]:
> Ledger doesn't need to "know" the conversion rate when a transaction
> contains multiple currencies. It just has to "assume" that whatever
> the exchange rate is will balance the transaction (ie assume
> nothing).

Your "assume nothing" is to assume something.

I don't want ledger to make assumptions.  I want ledger to enforce
the balancing requirement.

Personally I don't like that ledger allows implicit conversations
since ledger assumes an exchange rate.  Beancount, for example,
requires an explicit exchange rate when there are only two postings /
two commodities.

Let's do:

2021-12-08 * Test
    Assets:A                 10.00 EUR
    Assets:B                 -8.52 GBP

If you know roughly the values of EUR and GBP, this transaction
looks obviously correct to you.  But this requires a lot of knowledge
(i.e. assumptions about the world).


2021-12-08 * Test
    Assets:A               1000 EUR ; let's say I forgot the . between the 00s
    Assets:B                 -8.52 GBP

You'd probably agree that this isn't quite right, yet ledger will
happily assume an (incorrect) exchange rate.

Using explicit exchange rates makes ledger enforce the balancing

If I had done:

2021-12-08 * Test
    Assets:A               1000 EUR @ 0.852 GBP
    Assets:B                 -8.52 GBP

ledger would complain.

You *WANT* ledger to complain.

You don't want ledger to assume.

> The reason why I question this is that ledger could also be used to
> record items of stock in the same way that it records currencies.
> Unfortunately, as it stands, I have to record the purchase or sale
> of each item of stock individually which breaks up the bank
> transaction and makes it more difficult to reconcile with my bank
> statement. Using @ or @@ prevents ledger from displaying the
> individual item totals in the balance report (they have all been
> converted).

Maybe you could give an example, so it's clearer.

Martin Michlmayr


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