Hey Folks,

When I do a ledger.read_journal in python on a file with virtual postings,
has_flag(POST_VIRTUAL) returns False.  I would expect it to return True.
Here's a bash run with the details:

    $ ledger --version
    Ledger 3.2.1-20200518, the command-line accounting tool
    Copyright (c) 2003-2019, John Wiegley.  All rights reserved.
    This program is made available under the terms of the BSD Public License.
    See LICENSE file included with the distribution for details and disclaimer.

    $ python3 --version
    Python 3.9.2

    $ cat journal.dat
    2022-7-24 August 2022 Budget
        [Budget:Expenses:Gas]    $200.00
        [Budget:Equity]         -$200.00

    $ cat virtual_posts.py
    import ledger
    for xact in ledger.read_journal("journal.dat"):
        for post in xact.posts():
            is_virtual = post.xdata().has_flags(ledger.POST_VIRTUAL)
            must_balance = post.xdata().has_flags(ledger.POST_MUST_BALANCE)
            print("%r is virtual: %s, must balance: %s" % (post, is_virtual, 

    $ python3 virtual_posts.py journal.dat
    <ledger.Transaction object at 0x7f588b011040>
    <ledger.Posting object at 0x7f588b0110a0> is virtual: False, must balance: 
    <ledger.Posting object at 0x7f588b011100> is virtual: False, must balance: 

Can anyone spot any issues with what I'm doing?  If not, should I file a
bug against ledger?


Ryan N


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