Hello! I sometimes spend money in two different currencies, $ and £.
This usually works fine, but it breaks a few reports. For example, now I
can't do this:

$ ledger reg --monthly -j ^Expenses:
While evaluating value expression:
    While converting $20.00
    £15.00 to an amount:
    While calling function 'quantity $20.00
    Error: Cannot convert a balance with multiple commodities to an amount

That's fine, I'm happy converting it to $ so it's all the same commodity, so I 
did this:

P 2023/04/01 08:11:09 £ $1.2332433

And added --market, but that didn't help. The manual gave me the idea this 
might work:

commodity $

= expr commodity == "£"
    ; VALUE:: market(amount, date, exchange)

But that didn't help either.

Perhaps this is because ledger thinks £ is a currency and not a
commodity? Is there a way to force it to be a commodity?

Obviously I can just do ^Expenses: and expr "commodity == '$'", but then
I will have to make a different report for each currency!


 _o)            $ lynx lock.cmpxchg8b.com
 /\\  _o)  _o)  $ finger tav...@sdf.org
_\_V _( ) _( )  @taviso


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