Grayson said he wanted to give becchio a rest as he had been battered and 
bruised in the last few games, I think it bares testament to how highly Grayson 
thinks of him, that he didnt wait till the 89th minute before bringing him on.


"Richard Walker" <> wrote:

>that's better. One question though - why did Grayson drop him on
>Saturday after 
>arguably our best run of the season ? Does he rate him that highly ?
>Not so sure 
>----- Original Message ----
>From: David Woolmer <>
>To: Richard Walker <>
>Sent: Mon, 15 November, 2010 13:28:37
>Subject: Re: [LU] Brizzle
>Ok Rich - I'll bite to defend Becchio (always easier after a
>First of all - he is limited. He is not a top class player. Those are
>accepted points.
>But within those limitations, I think he has been a brilliant signing
>for us within the limitations of what we have been as a club for the
>last 3 years.
>When he is at his best, he plays with an awareness of his limitations
>and does what he knows he can do well (be a physical nuisance, win
>free kicks and get on the end of the stuff in the box) in a way that
>is reminiscent of a poor man's Chapman.
>He is clearly a hard worker and is also someone who has improved his
>game - see how well he put away those 2 headers, perfectly placed.
>Plus the technique of his Boro goal suggests a man who works at his
>He is clearly liked by his manager too - he goes out there, gets
>battered around does a job and whilst he may moan at refs, doesn't go
>hiding even when he is geting nothing out of a duel with a centre
>Set against that - his touch is not great and thus balls played up to
>him can easily just ping off him to an opponent. The old "second touch
>is a tackle" syndrome. He can also get fixated in matches about
>winning free kicks and gets a persecution complex that the ref is
>against him so spends much of a match collapsing with arms waving to
>try and win free kicks.
>He can also bring out the worst in our defence and midfield - i.e.
>they see Becchio up there and so take the easy option of lumping it at
>him and holding back our progress as a footballing team.  He can also
>be too slow at times to get into the six yard box when we are
>attacking - though that criticism needs to be weighed against the
>amount of work and effort he gets through especially as a lone striker
>-you can't be everywhere.
>But given he cost us tuppence and came to us when we were in League 1,
>I think he has done a cracking job for us.
>As for the contract goings-on  - he's well worth retaining (and he is
>generally well regarded in football now - he's always well spoken of
>by other managers and puindits - so he'll have a resale value unlike
>Kandol type situations, as long as we don't given him a wage that
>scares others off him). There's limitations to that of course - he
>doesn't merit breaking wage caps for and if by some miracle we
>stumbled up through the play offs he would become very peripheral very
>He expresses ambition to play in the Prem - good on the lad. Great to
>see him driven and ambitious to get there with Leeds. Maybe he is
>deluded. Or maybe he is actually aware of his limitations but is
>dreaming of making it through force of effort and determination.
>Either way, if that's his aim, Leeds benefit from it.
>So a thumbs up from me - he may not be the long term future either of
>us wants for a progressive footballing Leeds team. But he works damn
>hard and give a lot whilst taking little out.
>On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Richard Walker
><> wrote:
>> I love the stick , isn't what this list is all about ? I try to get
>> fans out of the woodwork but it's sometimes difficult. Nobody I speak
>to rates
>> him, I know a few on here believes he does a job but everyone can see
>> obvious limitations, so I was hoping to get someone to defend him big
>time but
>> all I get is a few lurkers who come out with "Eat it Richard"
>comments. Why
>> not tell me why I'm wrong and why Becchio is the future. That would
>be better.
>> Reading the YEP today I see Becchio wants to spearhead us into the
>> and that he is considering signing his contract because that's where
>he wants 
>> play. Delusion, complete delusion.
>> I didn't go to the game on Saturday which is why no match report.
>What a shame 
>> missed the hat-trick. Maybe it would have changed my mind, lol.
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