Will keep it brief cos I am exhausted after a brilliant day. I have really cut 
down the number of aways but today showed me just what I am missing - 4,000+ 
Leeds fans going totally mental after a great comeback.
Just as we were taking our place in the ground Max was pulling a shot wide of 
the post when he really should have scored,and this set the tone for the first 
half with Max missing another chance and then a ball over the top came to him 
and he raced forward but instead of either carrying into the box or crossing to 
the unmarked Becchio (?) he chose to blast it from a long way out and another 
chance went begging. We were controlling the game and pretty much camped in 
their half urged on  by a noisy away gollowing. Then we got a throw in deep 
into their half and we sent a lot of men forward only for us to make a mess of 
things and they broke quickly and with purpose ending in a good shot which 
Casper did well to tip round the post for a corner,With no O'Brien we feared 
the worst and lo and behold the ball bounced around our box for a bit and ended 
up in out net. 0 1 down against the run of play. We continued to do well but 
Max was having an ineffective day
 and Becchio spent a lot of time on the floor but got nothing from the ref.Then 
a huge clearance from them had Bruce just in front of the foward but he made a 
hash of it and ended up on the deck and the Burnley player smashed it past 
So despite being the better team for much of the game we had fallen for the 
sucker punch twice and the game looked beyond us.
My solution was to take off Becchio and Gradel and bring on Paynter and 
McCormack to give them much needed time on the pitch in a game that we had all 
but lost.
Thankfully I am not the manager , Grayson is, and Gradel and Becchio scored the 
goals to bring us level !!
The first goal came when Snoddy and Connolly showed persistnece and skill in 
keeping the ball in play out on the touchline,Snods then put in a long cross 
which Becchio met well and laid it back lovely to Max who slotted it into the 
We continued in search of an equaliser  (Burnley had one decent chance that 
they put wide) and Conolly made a strong run then gave it to Howson who played 
a lovelyball back to him and Connolly hit a great cross that Becchio at full 
stretch put into the net.
2 2 and the score took on a realistic look. I would have settled beforehand for 
a draw and at 0 2 a draw would have been a great result but this Leeds team is 
on fire and we knew the game was there for us. A ball over the top fell to 
Howson and with support on both sides of him, he went past a defender and came 
forward with it and then placed it with power beyond the keeper - brilliant 
strike. After that McCormack had two chances to score but was foiled by the 
goalie both time. 5 mins extra was played which worried us in the stands but 
apart from one save by Casper it never looked like we would mess it up
So a great result and a deserved one.
Howson gets better and better. Connolly who has been steady defesivley all 
season showed what he can do going forward ,and Becchio again showed 100% 
commitment and perserverence even when things were not going his way early on 
and he did well to get in teh position for his goal - even Rich will have been 
impressed -get him to sign his contract please, he has proved that he can in 
fact play at this level
A great result and a great day out
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