Team for tomorrow.



Connolly, O'Brien, Bruce, McCartney 

Watt, Snodgrass, Johnson, Howson, Gradel 



Parker can play but he's too slow so McCartney's in.


Swap Snoddy and Howson. Howson's best position is supporting a lone striker
so put him back in there. After Killkenny Snoddy is our best ball player, so
put him in Killkenny's position. It's a minor tweak but it could make a
difference, provided Snoddy can be disciplined and play that little bit


For me, it has to be 4.5.1, it's the future! It's not at all negative when
you have someone like Howson supporting the striker and 2 wingers bombing
on. Who the striker should be depends on who you are playing. Against
someone like Arsenal you need someone who is going to make life difficult
for defenders and fight for every scrap that comes their way, so that should
be Bechio. Against Scunny tomorrow when we should be looking to boss the
game you want someone who can play a bit, so Somma or maybe even McCormack.


That's what I would do anyway but I suspect Grayson will keep things as they
were. Which ever way we line up I'm confident we will get a good result,
there'll be no cup hangover this year. 3-0 Leeds.


Get yer money on Scunny!



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