I went to the Giant's 'cos we were near and they're the World (for "world",
read "American") Champions and there would be a full crowd.
I wanted to compare the experience with watching Leeds.

There was 43,000 there, not bad to say they play at home 4 or 5 nights a
week, every other week!
The atmosphere was pretty crap though.  Not much chanting - except when the
orchestrated organ music fed them.
More people seemed interested in walking about, going to the many bars and
food outlets, chatting or being on the phone!  Not many people seemed to be
watching the actual game.
As I only knew the basic rules - home runs, 3 strikes etc, I found it pretty
monotonous after a couple of innings (they have 9 each side)
Two girls and a bloke (early 20's) got thrown out in front of us for
chanting that the oppositions pitcher "sucked"!  Christ, if that was what
you get chucked out for over here there'd be no-one left in Elland Road by

I thought prices for food and drink in USA were generally expensive, at
worst I paid $6 for a half (don't ask) and at best paid $1 for a Bud in a
hotel in Reno.

In San Francisco a pint (a US small pint) cost about $3 at Happy Hours and
about $5 to $6 at other times.  San Francisco wasn't that good if you're an
English piss head - too few bars!

I guess they don't get many Yorkshire people over there - most who asked
thought I was Australian or South African!

Ted H

On 26 May 2011 11:12, Robinson, Mick <mick.robin...@miq.com> wrote:

> I understand most of it, as Nigel says it's best to leave the stats
> behind.
> What they are doing is an elaborate game of "rounders" as you say, why
> they are doing it is more subjective but then why does any sporting team
> do anything?
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