Yup that thought has  come to mind on a number of occasions especialy when each 
new investment in the infrastructure is announced while Uncle Ken pleads 
poverty and the need for fiscal restraint... Isn't the hotel supposed to be 
physically attached to said non-owned property? It does beggar belief 
that anyone would claim that he couldn't afford the purchase the ground at the  
buy-back clause rate and then turn around and spend as much ,if not more in 
renovating that same piece of property for the mysterious owner's benefit.
Still look on the bright side...We'll have a very enticing and comfy place to 
put up all those journeyman loanees for years to come..
Ahhh, blessed be our saviour!

From: Paul Cundell <p...@cundell.com>
To: leedslist@gn.apc.org
Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2011 1:59 PM
Subject: Re: [LU] Where now?

I find it a tad confusing that we are spent a fortune renovating a property
we don't own.

Similarly, I find it confusing that we are spending another fortune building
a hotel instead of purchasing the property we're renovating that we don't

Anyone else share my confusion?

Of course, if said property turned out to be owned by our owner and the
hotel ends up being used as collateral to pay off loans made by our current
owner that mysteriously appear on the club balance sheet, it wouldn't be so


PS That's me banned from Elland Road I guess.

PPS Probably the list too

PPPS And Ian's Xmas card list

PPPPS This could all be true

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