Again, bollox.

The problem with this country is lack of personal responsibility - this
attitude that the state controls everything and owes us all.  The removal of
competition at school, the removal of discipline at school.  Being able to
lead a comfortable life on the dole - still able to afford to run a car, to
have sky, to smoke 40 tabs a day etc etc.

The only people to blame for yobs on the streets are the fucking yobs on the
street.  How much money has been thrown at community improvement, community
projects in "poor" areas of London?  Yet they still take every opportunity
to screw over the rest of us who work for a living. 

As I said before, this generation of yobs are entirely nurtured under

Maybe if Blair didn't take us into an illegal war in Iraq we might have a
few spare soldiers to get onto the streets and knock this shower of shit
into shape?

But no, lets blame Thatcher, lets blame Major, lets blame Cameron, lets
blame Boris.


-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Anderson [] 
Sent: 09 August 2011 20:38
To: Mark Humphries
Cc: Damian Walsh; leedslist
Subject: Re: [LU] Riots

I agree in main but timeline starts with thatcher

There was always scumbags rogues thieves since caveman times.

But in 80s free enterprise worked... Or me me me became everything at a time
when industries declined or were killed off. Those who couldn't adapt

However these people on benefits no hope no esteem still bred. Next
generation born into poverty life. No aspiration from downtrodden parents
these kids then bred often way too early and some of their kids have too so
you effectively have every living relative coming from this situation and
add in 13 years of new labour holding their hands paying for everything not
expecting anything of them.

Then add in immigration naturally into poor areas, first and second gen!


Oh. And we are losing and it's shit

Sent from my iPhone

On 9 Aug 2011, at 18:19, "Mark Humphries" <>

> Damian, with respect that is bollocks.
> First, there are no "apparently substantiated allegations", and 
> second, to try and apportion blame to Boris is just ludicrous.  If you 
> really must politicise this then blame labour because these scumbags 
> grew up, got their education and their values under a Labour government.
> I personally believe you always get scumbags in society and the sooner 
> we accept that and stop looking for excuses for them, the better.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Damian Walsh
> Sent: 09 August 2011 17:59
> To: leedslist
> Subject: Re: [LU] Riots
> There's been an astonishing amount of Colonel Blimp rubbish spouted on 
> the list about these riots. Probably a good thing because at least it 
> show how many more of us are now part of the establishment than was ever
true before.
> All we have to do is get the next generation of potential rioters in 
> too then there'll be no more problems.
> As for the Police. I think thay have much much more power than any of 
> their continental European counterparts - the problem isn't there. 
> Maybe it's more to do with the loss of the Mets senior leadership over 
> the last few weeks plus a massive loss of confidence due to the 
> apparently substansiated allegations of corruption at the highest 
> levels of the Met. Where is the Mayor too? No leadership = vaccum 
> (sp?) = field day for rioters
> Damian
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