Sean wrote: 
>  It might be a reference to Viduka. Wasn't there some issue with his
rights so
> that we wouldn't make much money if we sold him?

Yes there was some 'unusual' arrangement around him, Dacourt and Fowler.
I think we had a kind of sale and lease back arrangement with Reff/Gerling.
We, also, I seem to recall didn't actually pay Viduka directly but I'm
unclear on the details.
When does a football club still owe £7.5m on a £6m striker it bought and
apparently 'paid for' in 2000? The answer - when the deal involves Leeds
United, goalgetter Mark Viduka, a mysterious firm called Registered European
Football Finance Ltd (Reff) and ruinous 'buy now, pay later' policies. 

Reff, a company specialising in the 'sale and leaseback' of footballers,
lends clubs money to buy talent. It is fronted by Ray Ransom, an
ex-Manchester City defender. The advantage for the club is that the arrivals
improve their chances of success; the downside is that the club only truly
'owns' the player once it has forked out all the 'usage payments' for him. 

Despite their financial problems, Leeds kept up the payments to Reff for
Viduka. But then Olivier Dacourt, another of the seven players they had
acquired this way, left for £3.5m - far less than the £7.2m they had spent
on him. Result: the money still due to Reff for him was added on to Leeds's
tab for Viduka, which now stands at £7.5m. The collective bill for Leeds's
'Reff six' is £21.3m of its £78m debt. 

Mystery surrounds who owns Reff. The fact that it is based in Guernsey and
domiciled in the British Virgin Islands means there is no mandatory
disclosure. All well-placed sources will reveal is that 'two or three
bog-standard financial institutions are behind it, not one or more wealthy
individuals'. Barclays is thought to be one of its business partners. 

'In a buoyant transfer market, clubs will be fine because they can always
sell the player for at least what they bought him for. But in a depressed
transfer market, the danger is that you'll get screwed,' a City expert

At least Reff will get paid by Leeds. When Bradford City went into
administration owing £35.5m, Gerling, Reff's insurers, had to settle for
just £1.3m of the £7.3m the club owed Reff. But just last week Bradford's
chairman asked for more time to pay the first installment of £750,000. 

Reff is owed from £100m to £350m for Viduka-style deals with an undisclosed
number of clubs. Given the financial uncertainty in English football, it -
or Gerling - could yet lose a lot more.

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